(*Info on how to use the Consent Form can be found below in Point-9 of the Terms & Conditions)
The Speak Street Picture Dictionary photography competition starts on 5th Feb 2020. It closes at midnight on 31st March 2020. Entries received after this will not be considered for any of the prizes but may be considered for inclusion with the Picture Dictionary.
Photographs can be entered into the competition in two ways:
b) By post to – Speak Street, Collective Auction Rooms, 5-7 Buck Street, NW18NJ
For email and postal entries, you must include:
Your full name
How you would like your photo credited – if different from your full name
Phone number with your entry
Photographers are encouraged to include a short bio for inclusion within the Picture Dictionary and promotional materials.
There is no limit on the number of entries you can submit to the competition.
These are the competition categories:
Places in the Borough of Camden
People of the Borough of Camden
Objects & Stuff
The competition is open to all. Entrants aged under 13 on Sunday 24 November 2019 must have permission from their parent, guardian or carer to take part.
Speak Street are seeking to include the best possible photographs. Preference will not be given to digitally enhanced or staged photos, but such photos will not be rejected. Winning photos may be digitally enhanced before being reproduced in print by Speak Street.
By entering your photograph(s) into the Speak Street Picture Dictionary photography competition, you declare that your photograph(s) and any material contained within the photograph(s) were taken by you and is your own original work and does not infringe the copyright or any other rights of a third party, unless you are submitting an older photo taken by a family member, and you must be sure that the photographer is happy for you to enter it into the competition.
If your photograph(s) is of a person or people and they are identifiable in it, you are responsible for getting their consent to allow you to take the photograph(s), to enter it into this competition, for it to be used as part of the Speak Street Picture Dictionary, or as part of any associated Speak Street publicity or activities, or in anyway be Speak Street and its partners in public and for it to be used as set out in these terms and conditions. This applies to all photos taken in the last ten years. Consent must be obtained before the photograph(s) is entered into the competition. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE EDITABLE PDF CONSENT FORM ABOVE. Ensure that each person in your photo completes it, and attach the completed forms to your email entry. If you are entering by post, print out the consent form, ensure that each person in your photo completes and signs it, and send with your entry. If any person appearing in your photograph(s) is under the age of 13, it is your responsibility to obtain the signature of their parent, guardian or carer and be able to verify this on request from the competition administrators. Failure to do so could result in disqualification.
Photographs must not, in the opinion of the competition administrators, contain obscene, defamatory, sexually explicit or inappropriate content. Our decision on appropriate content will be final, and we will not enter into correspondence about those decisions.
Our decision on which photographs we will be included within the Speak Street Picture Dictionary are final, and we will not enter into correspondence about those decisions.
The competition will be judged by a panel appointed by Speak Street and will be judged on composition, originality, suitability and for how much photos capture ‘the spirit of Camden’ for inclusion within the Speak Street Picture Dictionary.
We will contact the winners to ask for their consent to announce their names in print and online and in the media. You have the right to withdraw your consent at that stage.
Speak Street retains the right to use photographs entered into the competition in future publicity materials, which may be online or printed. We will credit photographs where possible. By submitting your image(s), you acknowledge this and grant Speak Street permission to use them in future. Speak Street will not claim ownership of any photographs entered into the competition.
Speak Street accepts no responsibility for issues with the postal service that prevents an entry being received before the deadline. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt. Printed entries that are received by post will not be returned to you, so please remember to keep a copy.
By entering your photograph(s) into the Speak Street Picture Dictionary photography competition, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
Speak Street reserves the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time if it has reason to believe that an entrant has breached these terms and conditions.
Speak Street reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage, if deemed necessary, and if circumstances arise outside of its control.
The competition is administered by Speak Street 5-7 Buck Street, NW18NJ.